

Keep it coming

So far, so good. After 10 days of the Weekly Worker’s July fighting fund, we are hitting the right speed, as we aim to reach that much needed monthly target of £2,250.

After only just getting there in June, thanks to some last-minute donations, we are looking a bit better so far in July, with a running total of £825 in the kitty.

Since last week we’ve received £39 from FK, £35 from BO and £30 each from CG, IS and NH. They all came in the shape of standing orders or bank transfers, as did the £25 which RG, DV and GD each contributed, plus £20 from JD, £10 each from comrades CH, SM and PM, and £7 from TT.

Then there were PayPal donations from BD (£40), MH and GW (£10 each), plus an excellent £40 that comrade JM added to his annual Weekly Worker subscription by cheque (yes, we still accept them!), while someone identified as ‘Bob’ handed a £10 note to one of our comrades at last weekend’s Palestine demonstration in London.

All that came to £406, taking us to over a third of the way to our July target with a tiny bit less than a third of the month gone. So, yes, we can do it - and we need to do it! As I keep saying, we absolutely rely on the support of our readers to keep producing this vital weapon in the fight for a single, democratic, principled Marxist party.

So please play your part by contributing to our fighting fund. Please use the website link below to find out how you can do it. Keep up the good work, comrades, to help us do the same!

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit