
WW archive > Issue 1382 - 10 February 2022

The police and standing army too

The SWP is bad, but the CPB is worse. Jack Conrad critiques the cowardly, tailist, opportunist left and stands by what used to be the uncontroversial call to establish a popular militia


BDS hurts; Rate of profit; Lopsided; Big lie

Destroyed by economygate?

After the “longest wage squeeze in 200 years”, workers in Britain face an unprecedented fall in living standards. Michael Roberts rejects the Bank of England’s call to “moderate” wage rises

A rapidly sinking ship

Clive Dean, of Labour Party Marxists, reports on an organisation in sharp decline, politically at sea and now lacking any strategic perspective

Cosying up to Sir Keir

Derek James reports on the split in the Socialist Campaign Group and the prospects for the ‘insider’ strategy

Behind Israeli apartheid

Amnesty International’s moralistic condemnation is totally inadequate. As Moshé Machover has long argued, anachronistic settler-colonialism is the root of Israel’s racist apartheid. Only de-Zionisation can end it

Abstraction and obfuscation

Paul Demarty reviews 'Anti-Postone', an essay written by Michael Sommer and translated by Maciej Zurowski (Cosmonaut Press, 2021, pp124, £11.99)

Facts on the ground

Eddie Ford argues that supporting Ukrainian self-determination, without taking into account Nato expansionism and the rights of the Russian minority, effectively means backing US imperialist interests

Had the Experience

Judy Carosian reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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