
WW archive > Issue 1372 - 18 November 2021

On the dark side

Jack Conrad explores the commonalities and connections between greenism and the right and far right


Reinstate Jeremy; Meta-narrative; Global city

Ten days of change

Following the Owen Paterson fiasco, Labour has leapt forward in the polls. Eddie Ford argues that this creates problems for the standard left narrative of a useless Keir Starmer

Dismal political failings

There can be no excuse for taking money and doing the bidding of neocons and reactionaries. Yassamine Mather savages the so-called ‘people’s tribunal’ which took place in London last week

Disintegration of Russiagate

Daniel Lazare delves into the murky world of dossiers, secret agents and pro-Democrat conspiracies

In modern times

Capitalism needs an ideological cover for its minority rule, but it also needs the constitutional rule of law. Socialism will be different. Mike Macnair spoke at the Online Communist Forum on November 14. This is an edited version of his talk

Socialism, shortages and surrender

Not so masterly: Michael Roberts questions the much feted ideas of János Kornai

Time for a rethink

Derek James rounds on John McDonnell for his pusillanimity and the official left for its silence over the expulsion of Graham Bash

With a bang

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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