WW archive > Issue 1187 - 25 January 2018
Hard, soft or no Brexit?
The working class needs a strategy that tails neither big capital nor backward-looking politicians, argues Jack Conrad
For sale; Straw men; Peak journey; Churchill cult; UC poverty; Like it is; Radical Burns
‘Dead end’ of privatisation
The collapse of Carillion blows apart a key myth, argues Michael Roberts
Chuck Schumer’s long lunch
It is the paralysis of rightwing Democrats which the three-day government shutdown exposes, not the White House, argues Paul Demarty
No to unprincipled alliances
Iranian workers should be careful about who they associate with, argues Yassamine Mather
Extending an ‘olive branch’
What lies behind the incursion into Syria? Esen Uslu looks behind the headlines
Parallel dead ends
Peter Manson reviews: Ronnie Kasrils, A simple man: Kasrils and the Zuma enigma Auckland Park 2017, pp283, £16.19 and Dale McKinley, South Africa’s corporatised liberation Auckland Park 2017, pp198, £14.95
End the witch hunt
Stan Keable, secretary of Labour Against the Witchhunt, reports on a successful lobby of Labour’s NEC
High note
Let's end January on target, says Robboe Rix