
WW archive > Issue 1164 - 20 July 2017

Criminal law and class society

Mike Macnair reviews: Robert Reiner Crime: the mystery of the common-sense concept Polity, 2016, pp246, £15.99


Peak questions; Robot wars; Falsification; Not so quaint; Same template; Leap frog; Pleading

Brexit reality wall

Eddie Ford does not find it impossible to imagine a national government emerging from an EU-induced crisis

Get used to it

Attempts to insulate MPs from insults are laughable and doomed to failure, argues Paul Demarty

Under pressure to stand

While the SACP has finally agreed to contest elections independently, writes Peter Manson, its leadership is still fully committed to class collaboration

Born loser: is destiny biological?

Did the notion of biological superiority bite the dust following the racism of the Nazis? In this first article in a four-part series, Mike Belbin traces the reformulation of an ancient idea of human character

Overcoming misogyny

Yassamine Mather tells the story of a woman whose achievements were made against all the odds

Soviet leadership clashes with ranks

‘1917: the view from the streets’ - leaflets of the Russian Revolution, No14-15

Unbridled state power

Esen Uslu reports on the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt

Much needed

Peter Manson reports on your contributions to the Summer Offensive target - and some of your comments

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