
WW archive > Issue 1149 - 06 April 2017

Labour’s Star Chamber

Why do the witch-hunters refuse to deal with the content? Tony Greenstein comments on the Livingstone verdict


Cuts stand; Hot spot; Union studies; Yevtushenko; War talks; Hope Hospital

Compulsory lies

Caving in to the ‘anti-Semitism’ falsehoods is Labour’s contribution to the ‘post-truth society’, writes Mike Macnair

Diversionary dead end

The Socialist Party’s decision to stand candidates in May is delusional, argues Paul Demarty

Man, movement and state

The transformation of Martin McGuinness from freedom fighter to ‘man of peace’ cannot be put down to individual failings, writes James Harvey

Split in the offing

Following the cabinet reshuffle, Peter Manson looks at the rival factions within the ANC

Lenin’s arrival in Russia

One hundred years ago a small group of revolutionaries returned to Russia in the famous ‘sealed train’. Ben Lewis introduces his translation of Grigory Zinoviev’s account of this truly historic event

Civilisation and the ‘long run’

Will the Keynesian radicals become mainstream conservatives when the long depression ends? It is capitalism itself that is the problem, argues Michael Roberts

War is a real danger

An open letter to all supporters of Hands Off the People of Iran

Firm footing

Keep up the good work so that Robbie Rix won't have to worry about next month either

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