
Open Polemic

Latest articles by Open Polemic

Rapprochement: against

Open polemic attacks the joint ‘Thesis on rapprochement’, agreed by the CPGB (PCC) and the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP)

SUPPLEMENT: Advance from vanguardism

On April 30 members of Open Polemic ended their membership of the CPGB. Here we print their reply to criticism of that decision published in Weekly Worker (May 9 1996). Below Mark Fischer replies and we print three documents submitted to the OP conference on December 1 from CPGB comrades

OP and rapprochement

Since publishing the correspondence around the decision of Open Polemic comrades to withdraw from membership of the CPGB (see Weekly Worker May 19), we have heard little from them. All those involved in the rapprochement process, not least our own members, have been disturbed by this development, since no one has had the opportunity to discuss their actions with them. Whilst welcoming the proposals for discussions with the PCC, we would urge the comrades to open the discussion to all those who are for communist unity. We invite them again to make use of the paper and CPGB seminars.

Letters between parting OP comrades and the PCC

The common theoretical programme for communists

As the communist rapprochement process develops debates around programme are taking a central place. A seminar series to open the debate to groups on the revolutionary left is being launched in May. The discussion begins in this week’s paper with a contribution from Open Polemic. We welcome others

Open Polemic on the question of programme

Communist rapprochement 75 years on

Reforging the CPGB is not an exclusive task but the job of all revolutionaries