
José Villa

Latest articles by José Villa

In living colour

José Villa reviews BBC1’s ‘Walking with dinosaurs’

Bourgeois democracy or socialism

Do oppressor communities have the right to create their own states? José Villa accuses Jack Conrad of sacrificing the rights of the majority

Demonstration shows the way

José Villa of Poder Obrero (Peru) and the Liaison Committee of Militants for a Revolutionary Communist International describes the situation in Peru after last month’s occupation of the presidential palace

Strategic defeat for Bolivian workers?

J Villa of Poder Obrero in Bolivia replies to Workers Power on the working class movement in that country

Another rotten bloc?

Various self-proclaimed Trotskyist currents are moving towards fusion: Militant Labour is talking to Usec and the LIT to the WRP (Workers Press). Here the Communist Workers Group of New Zealand discusses moves between Workers Power/LRCI and the PTS of Argentina

Class divide

Independence struggle

Competing revolutionary theories

The CPGB organised a special meeting last Sunday to discuss the recent splits in the League for a Revolutionary Communist International, which is led by the Workers Power group in Britain. The issues that have precipitated these splits are of vital importance to the entire revolutionary movement and thus should be debated openly. The main speaker was José Villa, a leading member of the LRCI’s Bolivian section, Poder Obrero. Danny Hammill reports