


Thank you for your invitation to the CPGB school. Chris Ford also sent me a report of discussions with the CPGB, mainly around the question of (political) regroupment.

The RWT has only recently learned of this contact and these discussions, so we have not had an opportunity to discuss and decide upon these matters collectively.

In the meantime I can write that on the general question of regroupment we feel very strongly that much ideological debate and clarity is needed following the collapse of the USSR and the Eastern Bloc - and that of the traditional revolutionary left (in terms of their politics) in its wake - before actual regroupment itself can even begin to take place.

If the question of political regroupment is posed directly by any unified political organisation, we first ask three main questions.

  1. Where do you stand on the question of republicanism and are you for the break-up of the British state here and now?
  2. Are you pro-programme and could you send me a copy of yours? I enclose one of ours.
  3. Do you support the principle of the united front politically and industrially in theory and practice?

Brian Higgins
Revolutionary Worker Tendency