

More than one

Robbie Rix is starting to worry this month may be close

Last week our internet readership increased substantially, compared to the recent average - 15,293 people visited cpgb.org.uk, which is well over 2,000 more than the previous week.

Good news, of course. But - wait for it - 15,292 of them didn’t think of getting out their credit or debit card. Yes, I know you’ve heard me go on about that before, but I have to say that one out of more than 15,000 is not a high percentage. But I am grateful to that one, though - comrade JD, who donated £10.

We also received three cheques in the post over the last seven days - pride of place going to comrade TU for his fantastic £50. The other two cheques were from PL (£25) and FS (£20). And where would we be without those standing orders? Among them last week was the recently increased regular gift from MM: he now transfers £75 into the Weekly Worker account every month. There were also SOs from DW, SP, MKS, SP and JD.

All that adds up to exactly a £250 increase in October’s fighting fund, taking the total up to £705. But we need £1,250, so there are just 10 days left to win £545. I know we can do it, but only if all those comrades meaning to donate do so straightaway. The easiest way, of course, is by making use of our online PayPal facility - let’s hope rather more than one comrade will do that this time around!