
WW archive > Issue 869 - 09 June 2011

End 'war on drugs' now

Far more harm and social destruction has been caused by the West's anti-drug laws than by the actual misuse of narcotics, says Eddie Ford


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Robbie Rix welcomes a good start to the June fund

The philosophy of history

Chris Cutrone responds to Mike Macnair

Communist University 2011

A week of discussion and debate for a thinking left

Real democracy needs organisation

Collective discipline is absolutely fundamental to majoritarian politics, writes James Turley

Extra needed

Robbie Rix calls for better and more regular financial support for the Weekly Worker

Propaganda of the deed

Harley Filben reviews Sean Birchall's 'Beating the fascists: The untold story of Anti-Fascist Action' Freedom Press, London 2010, pp413, £15

The tragedy of Sylvia Pankhurst

Sectarianism led to putting individual projects before party

Global crisis and Arab awakening

Tina Becker reports on the new discussion format tried out by Hands Off the People of Iran

Osanloo free, but repression continues

Chris Strafford calls for solidarity with working class activists in the prisons of the Islamic Republic

Making Marxist education a priority

Paul B Smith replies to James Turley

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