

Web of intrigue

Robbie Rix was pleased by two very timely last-minute cheques

This month will see an important milestone in the progress of the Weekly Worker. I am talking about the much delayed relaunch of our website, which is due to happen on June 12. The new site will offer enhanced facilities, including the intriguing possibility of actually being able to track down the article you are looking for. Progress indeed!

The redesign has produced a large one-off addition to our overheads, of course - another reason why all you online readers should pull out your credit or debit card once in a while. Our PayPal facility is notoriously underemployed - although a couple of our 10,473 visitors used it to take out a subscription last week, no-one did what it says on the button: “Make a donation”.

Mind you, two very timely last-minute cheques ensured we were able to reach our £1,250 fighting fund target for May - just. Thank you, comrades RI and RG, for your tremendous gifts: £100 and £25 respectively. The Weekly Worker bank balance also increased thanks to a number of standing orders, to the tune of £123, just before the deadline. Which meant we ended the month with a total of ... £1,254!

I am pleased to report that the usual batch of start-of-the-month standing orders means that we have £90 to set our June fund on its way.