
WW archive > Issue 807 - 04 March 2010

National government danger comes with hung parliament

A hung parliament could shift British politics to the right, warns Eddie Ford


No surrender; Blacklisted; Him as well; Blind alley; Tax loopholes; Colonist; Urgent; Fighting Harman; In between; Misunderstood

TUSC - give critical support despite many political shortcomings

But continue to fight for partyist unity around a Marxist programme, urges Peter Manson

Resistance must not be isolated

Withdrawal calls reveal lack of strategy, writes James Turley

Corruption and crime

The breathtaking hypocrisy surrounding the Mills case must be exposed, argues Toby Abse

Row over nationalisation

African National Congress Youth League steals language of left, reports Terry Bell

Whither Hezbollah?

Internationally Hezbollah allies itself with anti-imperialist movements for progressive change, but in Lebanon it defends the confessional status quo, argues Assaf Kfoury

Left mirror of UK state

Allan Armstrong of the Scottish Socialist Party's international committee argues for the break-up of Britain - giving nationalism a socialist coloration in the name of 'internationalism from below'

Left unity, not exclusion

Open letter to the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition from Mark Fischer, CPGB national organiser

Dedicated to making revolution in Turkey

Mýgýrdýç Baylýk: June 18 1943-February 24 2010. Jack Conrad celebrates his life

ANC battle hots up

The rightwing is not only playing the race card, writes Peter Manson

Open forum

Robbie Rix is pleased to say March has started off reasonably well

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