
WW archive > Issue 779 - 23 July 2009

How not to stop the BNP

The continued rise of the British National Party raises key questions about the left's strategy. Ben Lewis takes a look at the Socialist Workers Party's analysis and argues for a root-and-branch rethink

Further into the depths

The recent history of Afghanistan has not only seen the defeat of secularist Kabul by counterrevolution from the countryside. Outside intervention has exacerbated every problem, writes Eddie Ford

Too little, too late

Sex education must be comprehensive, clear, and compulsory, writes James Turley

CWU militants demand national strike action

A rank and file organisation is needed, writes Jim Moody

Left nats lose out to SNP nats

Sarah McDonald assesses the effects of deep divisions and ill feelings within the left in Scotland

Labour Party blues

Is Labour still a bourgeois workersÂ’ party? What, if anything, does this expression mean? Mike Macnair continues the debate

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