

Occupation wins

Chris Strafford reports on a struggle that brought many new activists into the movement

On Friday March 6 the long-running student occupation at the University of Manchester ended. After 31 days of pro-Gaza solidarity in three different buildings students left after forcing the vice-chancellor into negotiations. The whole episode has re-energised the student movement - and not just in Manchester.

The occupation came to an end after a day of action saw 300 students march and sporadically occupy building across the campus. During the evening the board of governors and the vice-chancellor were blockaded in an administration building and this direct action produced results. The university management finally took the occupation and its demands seriously, and after much discussion the students voted overwhelmingly to end it and to focus on negotiations.

These have been taking place over the past week, and have proved to be highly productive. The University of Manchester will now be sending surplus materials, including furniture and computers, to the people of Gaza. Other demands are still being discussed and if not conceded students have promised to take up more audacious tactics.

The occupation received widespread support from students and staff, with the unions on campus and in the city aiding the action. Those in the occupation were also looked after by the community in Rusholme, who sent in everything from blankets to falafel wraps.

The occupation brought many new activists into the movement, some of whom have been harassed into joining the SWP without any clear discussion on its politics. The SWP recruits and asks questions later - which ensures that new activists often leave disillusioned and thoroughly disgusted with the way the left works. We should be aiming to win students not just to a particular group, but to the wider project of Marxism and human liberation.