
WW archive > Issue 497 - 25 September 2003


Centralism kills; Spain 1936; CWU ballot; Scamming; Think bigger; Broken slabs; SW platform; AWL and Zionism; SA opposition; Bold and strong

Smug repetition

Anne Mc Shane reports from a Hackney Stop the War Coalition meeting

Anger explodes

What happens in the next couple of weeks will be crucial for Royal Mail postal workers, writes John Keys

Learn the lessons

The Socialist Alliance failed to take advantage of New Labour's difficulties, argues Peter Manson.

The poverty of complacency

John Bridge has mixed feelings about the Socialist Alliance executive committee's conduct

Around the web

Updated image: Phil Hamilton looks at the new CND website

Beyond the politics of stopping the next war

Never have so many been failed so badly by so few, writes Manny Neira

Unavoidable battleground

Communists must work within Labour to defeat the Blairites, argues Graham Bash of Labour Left Briefing

Don't think, act

Mark Fischer reports from the latest Hackney Socialist Alliance meeting.

Learn the lessons

The Socialist Alliance failed to take advantage of New Labour's difficulties, argues Peter Manson.

Republicanism: militant or liberal

Party notes by Jack Conrad

The war and the law

Could the invasion of Iraq have been prevented by forcing the US and UK to adhere to 'international law' or observe the United Nations charter? Such an approach conceals a trap, argues Mike Macnair

Imperialists shaken

So-called 'third world' countries are being forced to rebel against neoliberal economics. Ian Donovan believes that this is only the beginning

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