
WW archive > Issue 425 - 28 March 2002

Sheridan condemns MSPs' pay hypocrisy

Imperialist war - no. Class war - yes

Capitalism and war are inseparably linked, says Ian Mahoney

Pakistan socialist jailed for protest

Farooq Tariq, general secretary of the Labour Party Pakistan, describes his experience under lock and key

Repression stepped up

Tories relaunch - again

Maurice Bernal reports

Fighting for another world

Smoke and mirrors polemic

Does the Alliance for Workers Liberty want a revolutionary socialist party? Or is the SA just a site to intervene against the SWP? Should an official SA paper contain polemics and fight opportunism? Should we stop calling ourselves 'Marxists', 'Leninists' and 'communists' because the Stalinite counterrevolution was carried out using these terms? Did economism pass away in the early years of the 20th century? Or is it still alive and flourishing in the AWL?

Build election campaign

Crow injects controversy

London meeting expresses ISO solidarity

Prepare to fight

Post workers resist attack on jobs

Labour prison crisis

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