WW archive > Issue 420 - 21 February 2002
End asylum system
Brazen arrogance
Remembering Chartist Harney
Unsound programme and unsound tactics
Socialist Alliance agrees manifesto
Use elections to mobilise class
PC tokenism
Crow win boost
Advanced and backward
Danny Thompson of Bedfordshire Socialist Alliance and the Revolutionary Democratic Group argues that events in the BSA reflect national divisions
Second wave Trotskyists
Alfred Rosmer, Boris Souvarine, Emile Fabrol and Antoine Clavez - Trotsky and the origins of Trotskyism - Francis Boutle Publishers/Socialist Platform Ltd, 2002, 250pp, £10
SLP vote rocks Welsh SA
Struggles for freedom
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri Empire Harvard University Press, 2000, pp496, £12.95
Gwisai arrested - stayaway planned
Humanising our environment
Do communists support a ban on fox-hunting or do we defend the rights of fox-hunters? Danny Hammill examines the issues