
WW archive > Issue 207 - 11 September 1997

TUC on its knees


Revolutionary method; Nazis confronted ; Animal rights fascists; Awful family; Locked together

Carving out an audience

Party notes

CGSD makes its mark

Scotland’s referendum

What the papers say

A sectarian approach to self-determination

Bob Pitt, editor of ‘What Next?’, reviews Jack Conrad’s pamphlet, Blair’s rigged referendum and Scotland’s right to self-determination

You don’t play in clubs

Phillip Watson reviews 'Free jazz: a collective improvisation' (Ornette Coleman Double Quartet, Atlantic CD)

Brief encounters

Tom Ball reviews 'The censor' by Anthony Neilson (Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, West Street, London WC2 to September 27)

For working class independence

Peter Manson replies to criticism of Jack Conrad’s pamphlet, Blair’s rigged referendum and Scotland’s right to self-determination

New Labour, New Britain, New Monarchy: New Enemy

The death of Diana Windsor gives Blair a unique chance to slot the monarchy into his plan to remake the United Kingdom constitution and Britishness

The Moscow Conference

From ‘The Call’, paper of the British Socialist Party, September 6 1917

Long live the party line!

Around the left

Socialist News controversy

Simon Harvey of the SLP

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