
WW archive > Issue 205 - 28 August 1997

Scotland’s referendum: Bosses warm to Labour’s sop

While some on the left portray the Scottish parliament as the first step on the way to providing decent services and conditions for people in Scotland, Donald Dewar makes it clear big business will remain firmly in control


Inaccurate version; Offensive connotations; Yes, yes; Bruised egos

Moral vetting

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Party notes

Socialist Worker clings to Labour

New Labour has committed itself to carrying on where the Tories left off. But, as conference prepares to vote in the ‘Partnership in power’ rule changes, the left is strangled by its own Labourism

Historic opportunity

Gordon Morgan of Glasgow SSA reviews Jack Conrad’s pamphlet 'Blair’s rigged referendum and Scotland’s right to self-determination'

G Chicherin interned

From ‘The Call’, paper of the British Socialist Party, August 16 1917

Workers’ and Soldiers’ Council banned

From ‘The Call’, paper of the British Socialist Party, August 16 1917

Short shrift for Montserratians

Workers of one country, unite!

Around the left

Socialist democracy and democratic centralism

We reprint a document of an organised tendency within the Socialist Party involving John Bulaitis, Phil Hearse, Sarah Parker, David Lyons, Paul Morehouse and James White.

Aiming to silence protest

Programme for women’s liberation

Unity against oppression

Fighting fund

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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