WW archive > Issue 1530 - 20 March 2025

Notes on America
Donald Trump’s administration is contemplating a grand reordering of global finance and trade. Europe will suffer, but, argues Jack Conrad, China is the main target
Censorship; CPGB and SPEW; Two parties; Why ‘official’?
Bigger and better
Tina Becker looks forward to comradely debate and discussion, not least around the communist fusion process. Book now
Sturgeon no more
Talented, personable, politically astute and, in the end, a complete failure. Scott Evans looks at the rise and fall of Scotland’s former first minister
Monistic and materialist
Michael Roberts reviews MEG Smith and T Hayslip Thinking systematics: critical-dialectical reasoning for a perilous age and a case for socialism Nova Scotia 2024, pp356, £21
The snowball effect
Mike Macnair details the long and difficult road to the 1875 Gotha congress of the ‘Eisenacher’ SDAP and ‘Lassallean’ ADAV. With unity there was an organisational take-off and an ability to survive harsh state repression
Saluting those who went before
There were plenty of illusions, but there can be no disguising the courage. Yassamine Mather pays tribute to the women who took up the cause of the working class and fought for revolution
Divine right of CEOs
What explains the dominance of the ‘tech right’? Paul Demarty traces the ideological evolution of the Silicon Valley oligarchs from new-age woo to the hard right