WW archive > Issue 1518 - 05 December 2024

Rules of the game
As Fifa waves through the Saudi bid for the 2034 World Cup, Paul Demarty asks what it tells us about football - and global politics
Two-stages?; SUtR democracy; Fake Koreans; Back in Berkeley; Veganuary
Permanent state of terror
Journalists and pro-Palestine activists are being arrested on terrorism charges. The mainstream media seems to have taken a vow of silence. So has the soft left, writes Carla Roberts
On the merry-go-round
Discontent with the government has not translated into change. In fact, what is notable is the lack of change, reports Anne McShane
Four times in four years
Another austerity budget, another symbolic general strike. Toby Abse reports on stagnant living standards and how the centre-left is moving towards the trade union bureaucracy
What sort of partyism?
Since September a range of left groups have put forward ‘pro-party’ arguments. Mike Macnair explores the good and the bad
Planning, not pricing
As Cop29 demonstrated, the world’s states have no solution to climate change. Michael Roberts shows the danger now that global temperatures will head to 20C and way beyond, with disastrous consequences
Let them drink dirty water
Eddie Ford looks at the environmental disaster that threatens with the appointment of climate deniers, cronies and billionaires committed to ending what they call ‘excessive regulations’
Regional causes and effects
Civil war has erupted once again in Syria. Turkey is clearly a prime mover, but what about Israel? Then there is Russia and Iran. Yassamine Mather investigates what is a tangled web