
WW archive > Issue 1512 - 24 October 2024

Crushing it in the egg?

‘No platform for fascists’ and ritual confrontation with the far right have been tested to destruction. As a tactic it clearly does not work. We need a serious alternative, argues Mike Macnair


Not Cliffite; Anti-Semitism; Labour-power; Red herrings; Privilege

We need clear red lines

Fighting fascism and racism by marching with Zionists is an unmistakable example of rank opportunist betrayal. Zionism is racism. To effectively combat today’s far right we must, argues Jack Conrad, begin with clear definitions, a firm grasp of history and reject the ‘broad as possible’ approach of popular frontism

Fifteen theses on fascism and fighting fascism

Four matches and a friend

Jack Conrad remembers Tom May, December 4 1940-October 5 2024

Preparations for what?

Leaked documents give us a hint about what Israel is planning to do against Iran. Meanwhile, almost unbelievably, it is readying northern Gaza for colonisation, writes Yassamine Mather

Different times, different slogans

Just because the Bolsheviks dropped defeatism, does not mean communists should do so today. That is obvious. But, though the CPGB calls for “turning what is a war between reactionary capitalist powers into a civil war”, Carla Roberts says that when engaging with others on the left, it is vital to uphold the phrase ‘revolutionary defeatism’, the ‘main enemy is at home’ slogan and the call for a workers’ militia

Danger of World War III: the communist response

Supported by: Ian Spencer, Bob Paul, Andy Hannah, Paul Cooper, Carla Roberts, Anne McShane

Nine lives of Manifesto man

From drunken apprentice to EDL street fighting, from apology tour to Cypriot exile. Paul Demarty charts the career of Tommy Robinson and warns that the main danger comes not from this celebrity far-right influencer, but the increasingly reactionary Lab-Con elite

Online Communist Forum, Sunday October 27 5pm

More than possible!

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