
WW archive > Issue 1505 - 05 September 2024

Gambling on all-out war?

In the current situation it is virtually impossible to predict how far Israel would be prepared to go in spreading the war, but its strategic aims are clear, argues Moshé Machover


Machover rejected; Lazare goes; Lazare parting; Lazare replies; Being upfront; Climate hysteria; My trauma; Labour vote

By bomb, bullet, hunger and disease

Israel is trying to drive the Palestinian population to misery, despair and surrender with the overriding aim of ethnic cleansing and, failing that, genocide, writes Ian Spencer

A total, not a partial, ban

Medics testify in an open letter to Sir Keir Starmer that the IDF is deliberately targeting children, hospitals and healthworkers. They call for ending economic, diplomatic and military support, reports James Linney

Ancient myths as today’s weapons

Prime ministers from David Ben Gurion to Benjamin Netanyahu have quoted biblical stories of a promised land, conquest and imperial glory. Jack Conrad shows that, while this owes little or nothing to actual history, it does serve as standard Zionist ideological cover for colonisation, ethnic cleansing and genocide

Government parties rejected

Alternative für Deutschland was the clear winner in state elections and the establishment has been rattled. But what to make of former ‘official communist’ Sahra Wagenknecht and her BSW? Carla Roberts investigates

Don’t bank on ayatollahs

There are those, including on the ‘left’, who credit the Islamic Republic with being a bulwark of ‘anti‑imperialism’ and potentially the nemesis of Israel and US hegemony, writes Yassamine Mather

Revenge on the internet

Encryption can be broken with a $5 wrench. The legal actions against Telegram and X show the fragility of free expression in the face of state power, argues Paul Demarty

Online Communist Forum, Sunday September 8 5pm

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