
WW archive > Issue 1501 - 25 July 2024

A day of chaos

After a botched software upgrade, Microsoft’s Blue Friday outage shows the price of putting software and IT infrastructure under the rule of capital, argues Paul Demarty


Israeli nation; Soviet muddle; RCO points; RCO trans; Hardie, a liberal?; Mine’s a pint; Spit on Pinochet

Locusts versus vampires

As a matter of basic principle, Maciej Zurowski opposes the ban on the anti-establishment news magazine Compact. However, it is clear that those advocating a bloc of two classes, workers and industrial capitalists, have momentum behind them. The forces of liberalism, including the liberal left, are in a panic

Promise myth as template

An ancient saga is harnessed in service of settler-colonisation. Moshé Machover looks at how modern Zionism not only forged a nation through religion, but finds justification for ethnic cleansing and genocide in the words of Yahweh

Flip-flopping programmatically

Marcus Strom reviews David Lockwood The politics of the Malayan Communist Party from 1930 to 1948 NUS Press, 2024, pp248, £31

Law of the land

Benjamin Netanyahu took to X to denounce the ICJ’s advisory opinion on the illegality of Israel still holding Palestinian territory captured in 1967. Biblical myth supposedly trumps international law. But, as Mike Macnair says, the opinion has some considerable legal significance. That is why the mass media in Britain has been so quiet

A very Labour ban

Eddie Ford welcomes any moves towards promoting public health, but a total ban on smoking - as with the so-called ‘war on drugs’ - is senseless and likely to be counterproductive

Online Communist Forum, Sunday July 28 5pm

August break

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