
WW archive > Issue 147 - 13 June 1996

Ireland: rearm for new struggles

First it was talks about talks; now it is ‘all-party’ talks without the most important party. What does the ‘peace process’ mean for revolutionaries in the Six Counties?


Further discussions; Repeating errors; Making a contribution; The real stuff; Liaison committee; Not enough

Number one priority

Summer Offensive ’96

The Party and the unemployed

Party notes

Eat football, sleep football, drop dead

Defence through open debate

Defend Cuba!

Hunger strike in Turkey

Police raids

Old habits

Communist press

Fight like hell

From the Workers’ Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, June 11 1926

Life in the jungle

Rave’s social explosion

First Alabama 3 single out on August 23 on Elemental Records. Appearing at Phoenix and Reading festivals

Severe excess deaths

John Craig reviews Hungry Ghosts - China’s Secret Famine by Jasper Becker (John Murray Publishers, London 1996)

One and the same

Peter Manson continues the debate on the Revolutionary Democratic Group’s theory of ‘democratic revolution’

A socialist immigration policy?

The Marxist responds to the Weekly Worker article of May 9 on the SLP conference

Old or new, anti-communism remains anti-communism

Why did Arthur Scargill write and impose the constitution he did? It owes everything to MacDonald and nothing to Marx

OP and rapprochement

Since publishing the correspondence around the decision of Open Polemic comrades to withdraw from membership of the CPGB (see Weekly Worker May 19), we have heard little from them. All those involved in the rapprochement process, not least our own members, have been disturbed by this development, since no one has had the opportunity to discuss their actions with them. Whilst welcoming the proposals for discussions with the PCC, we would urge the comrades to open the discussion to all those who are for communist unity. We invite them again to make use of the paper and CPGB seminars.

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