
WW archive > Issue 145 - 30 May 1996

Labour-Tory jingos wage beef war

In their desperation to cling to office, the Tories are shamelessly using the ‘beef war’ to whip up nationalism and play the anti-Europe card


Main problem; Why the SLP?; Iraqi Kurdistan; Absolutism; Party line?; Liaison committee

Overcoming amateurish work

Party notes

Historical reality

In past issues of the Weekly Worker we have discussed the splits in the Irish National Liberation Army with Irish Republican Socialist Party members. Here a political prisoner condemns ‘leftwing infantilism’

Where red meets brown

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The whirligig of time

John Craig reviews Twelve Monkeys (directed by Terry Gilliam, 1996)

Two worlds collide

Phil Rudge reviews Bartleby by Herman Melville (Penguin 1996, pp47)

Precipice of disaster

Helen Ellis reviews Archaos' Game over (Brixton Academy, £17.50 and £20.00)

Everybody’s fight

From the Workers Weekly, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, May 28 1926

Waiting for the cavalry

Around the left

The advocates of historical truth?

Phil Sharpe of the TUG replies to recent letters by Partisan about Stalinism and Trotskyism

Taking our bearings

First meeting of the SLP’s NEC takes some important decisions

Job well done

Communist Party Offensive 96

NHS pocket calculator

Firefighters shun Labour

Jobs not job seekers

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part V

France 1968

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