
WW archive > Issue 1414 - 13 October 2022

Notes on the war

Sabotage of pipelines, annexations, crazy talk of nuclear weapons and plans for regime change - but the socialist alternative is sadly lacking. Jack Conrad calls for unity in the serious business of party-building


Racist? Me?; Post-fascism; What’s left?; All for Lula!; Centrist; National Bolshevik

On borrowed time

Liz Truss’s early downfall seems likely - but offloading her will not resolve the contradictions of the Tory Party, argues Paul Demarty

Plan for sabotage

Though they are on the ropes, it is clear that the NHS is not safe in Tory hands. James Linney puts Thérèse Coffey’s proposals under close examination

Journalism? What journalism?

Daniel Lazare looks behind the anti-Russia lies and spin and finds a corporate media that has no interest nor concern for the truth

Onslaught on Labour left

Kevin Bean reviews The Labour files, Al Jazeera Investigations, director Phil Rees (all four parts available on YouTube)

Uniting a motley band

Andries Stroper reports on the first conference of a new socialist ‘party-in-formation’ and its prospects

Right sets left’s agenda

Victory for pale pink Lula would represent the defeat of Trump’s ally, Jair Bolsonaro, writes Eddie Ford - and therefore would be welcome news for Joe Biden

Vital role

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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