
WW archive > Issue 134 - 14 March 1996

Council cuts demand national action

Workers have taken to the streets in Scotland, London and around the country against Tory government cuts, ably assisted by Labour councils


Blaming workers ...; ... or imperialism?; Get a grip; Vitriolic hate; Absorbed feminists; SLP diversion; Stalin as victim

Healthcare SOS

Communist University ’96

Party notes

Why I joined the SLP

SLP update

Rail safety is first casualty

New attacks

Not so simple

Dave Douglass, vice-chair of South Yorkshire NUM panel responds to a Weekly Worker article on the miners’ Great Strike of 1984-5 (February 29)

Moral conviction

Paul Greenaway reviews 'The Body Trade', by Deborah Lavin, directed by Lisa Goldman for The Red Room (8.00pm, above The Lion & Unicorn pub, Gaysford Street NW5, £6, £4 concession)

Press forward!

From 'The Workers’ Weekly', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, February 19 1926

Three-legged stool

Bob Smith - For a Permanent Party Polemic Committee

USA turns up the heat


Choosing sides?

China and Taiwan

Build Leninism

Communist press

‘If not with a bullet ...’

The recent controversy between the Communist Party majority and one of its supporters branches over the thorny question of Ireland poses important questions. Here Ian Mahoney answers some of the most common objections raised against our support for the liberation struggle of the republican forces in the north of Ireland.

Eleanor the Fenian

Anti-worker agenda spelled out

Working class votes should not be wasted on Labour

Protest against workfare

In brief

Brent crackdown

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part II

Britain’s crisis: From origins to World War I

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