
WW archive > Issue 1330 - 14 January 2021


Enough is enough; Vlast from past; Scotland; Democracy sham; EU court; Fascism?; Keep writing; A strong China; Solidarity

Trump’s ‘march on Rome’

The current US republic is heading towards an eventual downfall, contends Daniel Lazare

End of internet anarchy

Fallout from the Capitol invasion shows that pacification of social media is well underway, says Paul Demarty

Simplistic and one-sided

It is essential to openly and honestly discuss the EHRC report, insists suspended Labour member Tom Conwell

A conservative revolution

National sovereignty crystalised Gaelicism and late Victorian mores. Marc Mulholland argues, in his second article, that there was no transformation of popular consciousness

Open and honest debate

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

A world without gender

‘Queer theory’ actually obstructs the fight for sexual equality. Amanda MacLean insists on a materialist analysis

Engels’ original sin?

Mike Macnair reviews 'Marx, Engels and modern British socialism: the political thought of HM Hyndman, EB Bax and William Morris' by Seamus Flaherty

Stay, fight and win

Attempts to wreck the youth section have been met with a growing tide of resistance. Emil Jacobs reports on the ongoing battles in the Socialist Party (Netherlands)

With your help

Robbie Rix reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

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