WW archive > Issue 1209 - 28 June 2018
A health service worthy of the name
As the NHS approaches its 70th anniversary, James Linney calls for a radically new approach
Backwardness; Red herrings; The way forward; Socialist USSR
The bad old days
Are we going back to the 1930s? Tony Blair says this scenario “no longer seems far fetched”. But will Donald Trump save us? Paul Demarty thinks not
Mistaken versions of Maoism
Two books on intersectionality reviewed: 'How we get free: black feminism and the Combahee River Collective' by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Haymarket, 2017, pp191, £9.70) and Asad Haider's 'Mistaken identity: race and class in the age of Trump' (Verso, 2018, pp132, £9.90)
Age of Aquarius
The Lega has celebrated its gains in local elections by stepping up its attacks on migrants and Roma, with the complicity of M5S, writes Toby Abse
US ramps up the pressure
Principled left says no to regime change from above. Yassamine Mather gives them critical support
An elected sultan
Erdoğan’s ‘fair and square’ election victory will not result in stability, writes Esen Uslu
Vulnerable to a major slump
The consolidation of Erdoğan’s rule and the intensification of repression cannot prevent the impending economic crisis, writes Michael Roberts
Compounding the mistake
No-one should be congratulated for the ‘Anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt in the Labour Party, says David Shearer
The party we need
Peter Manson is getting into the swing of this year's fundraising drive