
WW archive > Issue 1196 - 29 March 2018

Facebook crisis in context

Is the Cambridge Analytica scandal really all it is cracked up to be? Paul Demarty takes a closer look


Original sin; Cultural Corbyn; False flag; No proof; Sick to death; Wrong

No more ‘broad, sunlit uplands’

Eddie Ford agrees with Jacob Rees-Mogg that the final Brexit deal will be a ‘national humiliation’ like Suez 1956

The taming of Corbyn

While some on the Labour right still hope to force Corbyn to resign, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists, others are aiming to change the man and his politics

In defence of Stan Keable

Suspended from his job for a conversation

Labour Against the Witchhunt: on the offensive

London meeting shares notes and debates tactics

Labour Against the Witchhunt: Liverpool launch meeting

Members discuss how to fight back

Truth in fiction

Dave Douglass reviews Aly Renwick Gangrene Merlin Press, 2017, pp256, £9.99

From the mouths of the women

Rex Dunn reviews Svetlana Alexievich The unwomanly face of war Penguin Classics, 2017, pp351, £12.99

Attack on Iran could strengthen regime

Trump’s appointment of John Bolton can only mean more confrontation with Iran, writes Yassamine Mather


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