
WW archive > Issue 1005 - 10 April 2014

The 'new era of war and revolution'

Did the outbreak of World War I cause Lenin to break with the ‘Marxism of the Second International’? In this extract from his contribution to a book to be published later this year, Lars T Lih argues that the opposite was the case


LU hot water; Benn's send off; Lifelines; Even greater; Fruitful

For working class education

Freedom is just another word for increased statisation, writes Christina Black

Rightwing press rocks the boat

Maria Miller and Nick Clegg suffer for the benefit of reactionary media moguls, writes Paul Demarty

Unions merger: Questions for Serwotka

A Unite-PCS merger is on the cards. PCS militant Dave Vincent examines the options

No2EU: Back into our shells?

No2EU represents a regressive form of left nationalism, writes Peter Manson

French election: First the 'red wave', then the blue

Hollande’s electoral humiliation at the hands of the right shows the necessity of independent working class politics, argues Eddie Ford

Miners strike: Militants and scabs

Harry Paterson Look back in anger: the miners’ strike in Nottinghamshire 30 years on Five Leaves Publishing, 2014, pp298, £9.99

Political economy of chaos

On the eve of the Critique conference Hillel Ticktin points to questions that need to be tackled

Like it is

Robbie Rix is pleased to hear from some online readers in this week's Fighting Fund

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