

Celebrate May Day

April’s fighting fund got a boost this week, thanks especially to three more than generous contributions, all made by bank transfer/standing order. Top of the lot was comrade SK, whose magnificent £230 really helped us enormously, not to mention PM (£125) and Irish comrade AM, whose £69 was, I suspect, originally €80.

Other transfers/SOs came in the shape of £35 from GT, £20 from both DR and DG, and £15 from GD, plus single-figure contributions from DD, TT and DS. Finally there were the usual cash donations from comrade Hassan (£10) and LM (£20).

All that came to £560 received over the last week, taking our running total up to £1,677. But, of course, our monthly target, which very much needs to be achieved, is £2,250, so that means we’re still £573 short with just four days to go!

In other words, comrades really need to pull out the stops and do their best to make sure we get there - what a way to celebrate May Day that would be! But it goes without saying that it’s now too late to send us a cheque, so you either need to click on that PayPal button on our website (go to weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/donate) or - better still, because nothing is deducted by way of charges - make a bank transfer. Please pay ‘Weekly Worker’ using sort code 30-99-64 and account number 00744310.

With your help we can do it! And we really need to, especially as last month we were £253 short. Please don’t let that happen again - otherwise the Weekly Worker will have a big problem. After all, we rely on you, our readers and supporters, to keep publishing - and I know how much we are appreciated for what each issue contains.

Please show your appreciation now, in a concrete way!