

Play your part

With just under two weeks of April still to go, we have now received £1,409 towards the Weekly Worker monthly fighting fund target of £2,250. In other words, we still need to raise another £841 in the remaining 13 days.

In the last week a very useful £551 came our way, thanks to some excellent contributions from our readers and supporters. When it comes to standing orders and bank transfers, number one on our list was comrade KB, who came up with his monthly £170! Then there was MM with his £75 and PB with her £70. Others who used this method were TR (£40), OG (£24), GS (£20), SS (£15), SA (£12) and CC (£10).

Then we had those three monthly donors via PayPal - RL and US comrade PM (£50 each) and MZ in Italy (£10). And, finally, how could I forget comrade Hassan, who handed his usual fiver to one of our team?

So now I’m pretty confident that we can raise what we still need in the time that’s left, even though there’s less than a fortnight still to go. I know that there are several quite substantial standing orders still to come, while no doubt a few other comrades will want to make sure we get there!

There’s still time to send us a cheque (yes, we still get one or two of those!), while other means of helping us out can be seen on our website (see below). Please play your part in making sure that the Weekly Worker can continue fulfilling its essential role of campaigning for a single, democratic-centralist, Marxist party - and promoting debate amongst the entire left on how that can be achieved.

Our bank account details are
name: Weekly Worker
sort code: 30-99-64
account number: 00744310

To make a donation or set up
a regular payment visit