


We don't need any explanation for giving us your money, says Robbie Rix

Often when I report a donation by cheque I quote the letter that accompanies it. But I can’t do that with the £30 from MM, for the simple reason that there was no letter. He’s obviously a very modest comrade, but I thought I’d give him a mention anyway!

There were two other cheques - thank you, JD (£20) and FT (£10) - plus two handy PayPal gifts from NW (£20) and KT (£10). (The last two comrades were among 3,697 online readers last week, by the way.) But, as usual, the bulk of the cash that came in took the form of standing orders - this week from five comrades, who donated amounts ranging from £10 to £40 and totalling £125. Unfortunately, though, after the brilliant start to the month I reported last week, the last seven days have made for quite a contrast, with only £195 raised.

Nevertheless the running total of £714 is not bad at all for this stage in the month - don’t forget, we need £1,750 all told and, as I write, there are still 20 days to go. In other words, it’s eminently possible.

But what we really need is some more comrades taking out a standing order - or increasing the one they already have. If we could raise just a couple of hundred pounds extra that way, it really would do a lot to ease my worries. So far half a dozen comrades have responded positively to our standing order campaign, but I have a feeling that a lot more are about to do so. And you don’t have to wait for the phone to ring - fill in the form on the back page or online right now.

Robbie Rix