
WW archive > Issue 903 - 01 March 2012

The decline of money

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money


Amputator; Twisted; Public interest; Please explain

Still marching proud

Dave Douglass reviews: David Temple 'The Big Meeting: a history of the Durham Miners' Gala' TUPS books, 2011, pp243,

Syria: In imperialist sights

With Syria in the sights of the imperialists and the bourgeois media, James Turley wonders where the Left and anti-war movement is.

Neither advocate nor oppose

What should be the attitude of Marxists to Keynesianism? Arthur Bough responds to Mike Macnair

A small victory against workfare

With the government forced into a humiliating climbdown on workfare, Laurie Smith looks at where the welfare system is going and the Left response

Iran: all options remain on the table

Rhetoric about Iran is all too reminiscent of the prelude to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, warns Ben Lewis

Work aid

Robbie Rix is pleased to see more donations and standing orders, keep it up comrades, he says.

Berlusconi still in the dock

The former premier may have been 'cleared' on a technicality, writes Toby Abse, but the repercussions of the whole affair persist in both the Italian and British establishments

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