
WW archive > Issue 876 - 28 July 2011

British jobs for British workers?

The struggle for jobs at Bombardier must not be diverted by sectionalism or nationalism, urges Peter Manson


Learn lessons; Disappointing; Abysmal; Dirty work; Oppressor role; Fit; Cul-de-sac; Unclean

Solidarity with Ireland

A young CPGB sought to rouse the movement in Britain

Politics of press freedom

Rather than relying on bureaucratic solutions, argues James Turley, the left needs a dynamic approach to the media

Maoism with pretensions

Mike Macnair reviews: Alain Badiou's 'The communist hypothesis' (translators D Macey, S Corcoran) London 2010, pp279, £12.99

Norway massacre and state bans

We have no problem with self-defence, writes Michael Copestake

Still on outside

Unions remain banned by Rupert Murdoch. Julia Owlerton reports on the NUJ's attempt to get back into News International and the inadequacy of the union left

Reformists crave reconciliation

The Iranian regime is deeply divided, but what are the prospects for the democracy movement that filled the streets in 2009-10? National chair of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather, spoke to Mark Fischer

Facing debtgeddon

Greece has defaulted in all but name and the US treasury is only days away from running out of funds. Eddie Ford looks at the ongoing crisis

Eager to debate with others

Mark Fischer underlines that all are welcome at Communist University

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