

Respect national council statement

The national council reaffirms the principles of pluralism and inclusivity enshrined in the founding of Respect and in our constitution:

"The aim of Respect is to build a broad-based and inclusive alternative to the parties of privatisation, war and occupation. We will do this by intervening in elections at national, local and European level, building Respect as a campaigning organisation, involved in trade union and workplace struggle, and by building local branches of Respect which are rooted in local campaigns and in the local labour movement."

We recognise that we continue to enjoy favourable conditions to strengthen and broaden our coalition and our support. To make the most of these conditions in the run-up to the London and council elections next May - and with the possibility of a general election in the next 12 months - we resolve to:

(a) Launch an immediate membership and fundraising drive from the national conference. For conference prepare a fundraising goal for each branch and work with the branches to appoint a fundraising officer. Announce at conference a series of recruitment rallies addressed by the MP, local councillors and other leading figures in Respect.

(b) Take a positive and collaborative approach to wider developments on the left, such as Bob Wareing's decision to stand in West Derby, and the discussion on electoral strategy inside the RMT and among other significant forces in the movement.

(c) Take urgent steps to ensure that the executive committee, which comprises the officers and others, is a balanced reflection of the organisation, including, if necessary, by expanding its numbers though election at this meeting.

(d) Instruct the executive committee to prioritise the inclusion of all its members through the prior circulation of agendas and papers for consultation, the varying of the date and venue of meetings to maximise participation and the use of new technologies.

(e) Improve urgently internal communication and accountability at all levels.

(f) Overhaul our procedures for recruiting to paid posts in the organisation so that all posts are advertised within Respect, appointed through a shortlisting and interview process overseen by a panel approved by the national council, meet our equal opportunities aims and are compatible with the best employment practice.

(g) Immediately establish a commission to draw up democratic and inclusive alternatives to the slate system for elections. The commission is to report its suggested replacement(s) to the slate system at conference 2007 and propose any necessary constitutional amendments.

(h) Review progress on these action points at the next national council meeting.

(i) All elected representatives of Respect should give regular reports to the local Respect branch, and the national council of Respect. All major initiatives should be discussed with the appropriate local and national committees of Respect.

The national council encourages all branches and members to seize the growing opportunities we believe exist for building Respect and the wider movement. It is with that sense of urgency in mind that the national council adopts these proposals, subject, of course, to ratification by the national conference.