
WW archive > Issue 499 - 09 October 2003


Brent East; Marek's ear; Questions; May take years; Ukraine fraud; No authority

Party Notes

Jack Conrad looks at 'Bob Crow and Scotland'

What, me? Worry?

There are times when you can almost feel sorry for the Tories, writes Michael Malkin

Drawing the 'class line'

Mike Macnair takes the Alliance for Workers' Liberty to task

No structure, no democracy

Over the last week there have been three important meetings following the bid to stage the 2004 European Social Forum in London. Tina Becker reports

Obituary: John Sullivan

Ian Donovan writes about the committed Marxist

Around the web

Virtual irrelevance: Phil Hamilton examines the website of the Conservative Party

Improving Socialist Alliance democracy

Over 50 members of the Socialist Alliance met in Birmingham on September 13

Sectarian twists and turns

The SWP has lost its second 'sister' group in the US in two years. Meanwhile, the ISG's Alan Thornett has published an article which claims to go "beyond the ya-boo approach of the Weekly Worker". Rob Coban discusses the phenomenon of the non-sectarian sects

Bomber Sharon hits Syrian targets

The Middle East continues to descend to further levels of barbarism and decay at the hands of the rightwing militarist Israeli regime of Ariel Sharon, writes Ian Donovan

Into the Iraq quagmire

On October 9 the Grand National Assembly (GNA), or parliament, voted to commit Turkish troops to Iraq for a period of one year under the command of US generals. Aziz Demir reports

Alan Thornett's diplomatic silence

Peter Manson reviews Alan Thornett's 'Building a socialist alternative' (Socialist Alliance, 2003, pp26, £2)

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