
WW archive > Issue 1446 - 08 June 2023

Notes on the war

With Kyiv’s long-trailed military offensive now seemingly underway, Jack Conrad warns that we should still expect a prolonged, bitter war of attrition and eventually a US attempt to encircle and strangle China


Diverted; Trotskyist error; Peace-bringers; Tony’s shortfall

Gloomy shades of death

Attended by a maximum of just 19 members, the online AGM testified to complete strategic failure. Kevin Bean reads the last rites

Labour and Lubner’s millions

Starmer’s new megadonor threatens to outweigh the influence of the unions, argues Paul Demarty

Knavery and folly

Mike Macnair considers the latest stage in the Tory culture-war campaign for freedom of (only) Conservative speech

Biden dodges a bullet

While an immediate financial abyss has been avoided, Daniel Lazare sees all the tell-tale signs of long‑term imperial decline

Charting a difficult course

How to move the DSA away from the Democratic Party’s left fringes? The answer lies in democratic centralism. Parker McQueeney answers Red Labor

Dreadful notes of preparation

Yassamine Mather looks at the high-stakes diplomatic game being played out and the danger of cold war turning into a hot war

Online Communist Forum, Sunday June 11 5pm

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