
WW archive > Issue 1260 - 18 July 2019

Constitutional or political?

Mike Macnair asks whether talk of a ‘constitutional crisis’ following the election of Boris Johnson as Tory leader is real or illusory


Frank talking; Traitor or coward; Twins and sneers; For himself; Turn to youth

Volatile times ahead

We are heading for a constitutional crisis, writes Peter Manson and certainly an early general election.

A new mood dawns

William Sarsfield reports from the Durham Miners Gala 2019, where the ‘Appeal for a Labour Left Alliance’ was very well received

The politics of offence

Eddie Ford thinks everybody should be open to political criticism - even those who are pregnant or receiving treatment for illness

BBC’s war on Corbyn

Panorama’s ‘Is Labour anti-Semitic?’ would have made Pravda proud, argues Tony Greenstein

Brexit and reunification

James Harvey considers the consequences in the Six Counties if the United Kingdom really does leave the EU

A vizier or a jester?

As Erdoğan plays the US off against Russia, Esen Uslu asks if his optimism is misplaced

Taaffe counts his shekels

The two sides in the CWI dispute are engaged in a tawdry wrangling over cash, writes Paul Demarty

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