
WW archive > Issue 1140 - 02 February 2017

Economic cold war looms

Theresa May wants to cuddle up to Trump, writes Eddie Ford, but EU leaders are horrified


Attack on left; Inexcusable; LRC appeals; Burns; Outraged; Vote Keable

May elections to be contested

Pete McLaren, representative of individual members on the steering committee, reports on the January 28 conference

Getting to grips with Trumpism

Peter Manson reports on the joint meeting of the CPGB and Labour Party Marxists

Fight back - but for what?

The left in Momentum is organising a ‘networking conference’ on March 11, writes Carla Roberts

Zionism cannot be appeased

Jon Lansman’s coup was an act of desperation. No credibility should be given to his imposed constitution, argues Tony Greenstein

Berger and Stalinism

John Berger had a complex and contradictory relationship with the world communist movement of the 1950s and 1960s, writes Lawrence Parker

Filling the gaps

Rex Dunn continues his exploration of Karl Marx’s concept of the human

Don’t shit where you eat

Theresa May is only one of many people put in an awkward position by Donald Trump’s travel bans, argues Paul Demarty

Great effort

Robbie Rix wants the shortest month of the year to pay dividends, so help out

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