

Dockers fight old battles again

ON MONDAY October 9, 300 dockers were ‘turned away’ by police from the dock gates at Seaforth. The Transport and General Workers Union had asked the dockers to return to work following an 11-day unofficial dispute. The dispute began in support of 80 workers sacked by Torside.

The employers have taken an aggressive stand by sacking the dockers when they refused to accept new contracts. This hard line stance has already led to some shippers threatening to withdraw from Liverpool. RMA Europe, which ships £1.25 million worth of timber through the port, has warned that it may move to Newport.

The dispute raises many ghosts in Liverpool, as it is part of the recasualisation of port work. Dock workers fought for generations to end the sort of work practices that have led to this strike. The TGWU should declare this dispute official and support those members who have shown real courage in acting unofficially against the port employers.