
WW archive > Issue 1046 - 19 February 2015

Dodgy bankers, dodgy clients

Under both the Tories and New Labour, Britain became one vast tax haven - a playground for the super-rich. Eddie Ford looks at the HSBC scandal


Fairy tales; Arrogance; Read Kautsky; How to vote; Human Greens; Witch-hunter; Chauvinist; No credit

A misjudged Bonapartist initiative

Jack Conrad urges LU members to protest against leadership violations of our constitution

The new normal

As Denmark becomes the latest staging ground for Islamist atrocities, Paul Demarty asks how the left can confront the growth of religious reaction

The debt is illegitimate

Yassamine Mather looks at the background to the Greek crisis

Learning the lessons

Women were central to the struggle in the miners' Great Strike, says Mark Fischer

As effective as a marzipan dildo

Chris Atkins (director) Ukip: the first 100 days Channel 4, February 16

Spanish steps to oblivion

Paul Preston The last Stalinist: the life of Santiago Carrillo William Collins, 2014, pp448, £12.99

Crackdown must be resisted

Anne McShane reports on the Irish struggle against the water tax

Make it regular

We're getting very behind, and Robbie Rix doesn't like it one bit

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