
Issue 1527 - 27 February 2025

Sober realities and future prospects

Mainstream politics continues to move to the right, and that has dragged the opportunist left ever further to the right too. However there are some positive developments. Paul Cooper reports


Toxic warrior; Stalinist minority; SPGB minority; Non-political?; War profiteer

CPGB perspectives for 2025

Programmatic starting point

Without a comprehensive, fully worked-out programme, our party will have no chance of taking coherent form, guarding against opportunism or navigating the road to socialism, argues Jack Conrad

From powerhouse to powderkeg

AfD was the big winner but Die Linke got a real boost too. Carla Roberts does not rate the chances of the centre holding for much longer

Rebels without a clue

It’s all well and good being a dangerous, dissident rightist - but what if you win? Paul Demarty looks at the strange goings-on at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship

Three Rs and no arts

Rather than being trained to be wage slaves, Eddie Ford argues that we should demand the right to develop ourselves as fully rounded human beings

Just a dash of insurrection

Pat Taylor reviews Daniel Fish, Elektra, Duke of York’s Theatre, London, until April 12

Great expectations

One of the greatest achievements of capitalism is rising average life expectancy in developed countries. This has begun to stall, not because we have reached an upper limit - well, not yet, suggests Ian Spencer

Online Communist Forum, Sunday March 2 5pm

Urgent help

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A paper of Marxist polemic & Marxist unity