

Writer's cramp

Robbie Rix is glad to see the progress we are making towards our target. Keep pushing comrades!

Not content with writing a £100 cheque towards our legal appeal, comrade CG risked giving himself writer’s cramp by adding another for £50 to help us meet our running costs. Thanks a lot, comrade!

And I have to admit to a lapse of memory last week, when I inadvertently left out EJ’s PayPal donation - also for £50 - from both my remarks and the running total. Showing he hasn’t taken offence, EJ arranged for another comrade to follow his example, with the result that JR also made use of our online facility to transfer £125 - well, actually, it was 199 Canadian dollars, but EJ made it into a nice, round sterling number. Generous!

Another PayPal donor was comrade AN, who writes: “I thought I had better send in a donation, as I have recently downloaded some really excellent old articles ... I don’t always agree with what you write, but most of the time you are spot on!” He and EJ were two out of 12,899 online readers last week.

Finally, we received seven standing orders totalling £185 - among them comrades MM (£75) and AM (£50) deserve special mention. So it was a pretty good week for our fighting fund, the extra £430 taking our April total to £962. But don’t forget that we need to make up for last month’s shortfall, so we need to raise an extra £160 over and above the normal £1,500. Another £700 to go!