

Brown envelope

Robbie Rix asks readers to send their cheques in before the holidays

A flurry of last-minute donations saw us pass our £1,250 fighting fund target for November. Thanks go to all those who helped us reach a total of £1,292.

Two comrades deserve special mention - they both came up with a £50 gift. PS, describing himself as a "regular internet reader", used our PayPal facility, along with DT (£30) and EJ (£5). The other £50 donor was RI, who modestly enclosed his cheque in a brown envelope with a slip of paper informing us it was a donation. Mind you, RG's cheque for £25, also in a brown envelope, came without any covering note at all - I'm sure he will let us know if it wasn't for me!

As well as a tenner from RL - another contribution via snail mail - I received a total of £115 in standing orders. All of which added £285 over the last week of the month.

I would very much like to end the year on a successful note too. But, with the holiday disruption to the post, it could be that cheques and postal orders might miss the December 31 deadline. Please post early! Better still, get out that piece of plastic and make your donation via our website (where last week we had 12,237 visitors).

Support the paper that fights for Marxist unity. Help keep us in good shape for the challenges of 2011.