
WW archive > Issue 832 - 09 September 2010

Vote preference one for Abbott ... and fuck warmongering ex-ministers

In the ballot for Labour Party leader, which closes on September 22, the CPGB calls for critical support for Diane Abbott, no support for the four ex-ministers and the expulsion of all coalition collaborators. Alex John argues the case


Too liberal; Insulting; Demarchatic; Wrong button; No blacklisting

Blair's liberalism and the toxic Gordon Brown

In the last analysis Tony Blair and Gordon Brown had different political projects, argues Eddie Ford

Workers' solidarity with disaster victims

The floods in Pakistan have exposed once more colonialism's legacy of underdevelopment and social instability, writes Jim Gilbert

Goldilocks and the communist programme

In an opening article, Jack Conrad picks out and assesses various criticisms of and alternatives to the CPGB's Draft programme

Trouble in the fourth estate

Murdoch, Coulson, et al are being handled with kid gloves, writes James Turley

Class, blackened faces, and academic muddle

David Douglass reviews Hester Barron's 'The 1926 miners' lockout: meanings of community in the Durham coalfield' Oxford, 2009, pp314, £65

Fiver challenge

There is quite a long way to go to reach our full target, reports Robbie Rix

Tactical differences and unification

Unity of the four organisations in 1920

The noble savage and colonialism

Films like Avatar represent a racist ideological assault, writes James Devine

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