
WW archive > Issue 766 - 23 April 2009


ISO split; Self-determination; Necessity; Progressive; We knew; Despotic measures; Catch up; EU bashing

Leaving the Socialist Party

Chris Brennan describes his experience in Peter Taaffe's organisation.

No to the database state

Information collection and barriers to the free movement of people are far from legitimate, writes Ted North

Fighting Fund

How far past? Robbie Rix reports

Their crisis and our response

Mohsen Sabbagh reports on the recent CPGB members' aggregate meeting

Keeping it broad backfires

Laurie McCauley reports on Saturday's 'student coordination' event

Split over No2EU

Peter Manson examines what No2EU means for Respect, Solidarity, the Socialist Party, and the CPB

Now don't do it again . . .

Obama's release of the infamous 'torture memos' begs more questions than it answers, writes James Turley

Waking the dead

Lawrence Parker looks at Morning Star/CPB's faction's attempts to engage with CPGB polemics

End STWC exclusion

Murray's and Hopi's letters and the StWC's undermining of the struggle; plus Unison and Iranian students' news

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